Monday, November 17, 2008


Firstly, the title of this post sounds like a boy band. Secondly, this picture looks way better onscreen than printed out, which I'm disappointed about, but just know that it actually looks pretty cool!

I wanted to try the Underwater Scene/Bubble tutorials because thus far, I had only been doing art-type Photoshop projects, and although those are the main reason I wanted to learn Photoshop, I felt I wasn't getting the full experience of the program. So I decided to try something different! I can't say it was the most fun, or difficult project I've done so far, but it was really useful. I'm so excited that I know how to make brush shapes, I feel so much more competent! I really could have used that skill in the paint bucket picture, and I will definitely be using it in the future. I also liked playing with filters and different things like that in this tutorial, and trying to make the rays look realistic. Attempting to create realistic depth in the picture was cool too, and the "Perception" transforming option was cool, (and a bit of a challenge). I also became even more familiar with the brushes palette, that's always a good thing! It was difficult to make the shark fit in with the background, I messed around with blending options for a while. I also really wanted to make it look like the shark was swimming toward you while you were looking at the picture. I think those two endeavors were pretty successful...much unlike the endeavor of trying to surround the shark with realistic-looking seaweed, but you win some you lose some I suppose. I'm very glad I did this tutorial, I underestimated these parts of Photoshop, and considered them useless, which I wont do anymore, because I know they can be very helpful!

ps. Just in case you were wondering, the shark (which I thought was an eel at first), is called a Frilled Shark, this picture is of one in Japan. It's called a living fossil because this type of shark has been around for 95 million years and has barely changed in that time!!


mrs. banks villalobos said...

this looks fantastic. i think you pulled off all three of your endeavors really well. i think the seaweed looks excellent. this is the best example of a realistic underwater animal or person i've seen so far in this class.

this tutorial is interesting because it's deceptively simple but ends up looking quite realistic. it's cool to actually make something from scratch for a change in Photoshop, which i feel is a rare occurrence.

and that shark is terrifying. i'd flip out if i met that thing underwater. like i said, i have an intense fear or ocean animals and dark water. i used to obsessively read about sharks when i was young. but that thing really does look otherworldly. i can't believe life forms like that live amongst us! where did you ever find that picture?

and i enjoyed reading about the shark on national geographic. thanks for the link. :-) can you imagine: thousands of feet underwater. it must be so dark and lonely and empty. it boggles my mind.

mrs. banks villalobos said...

oh, and for the record, i always try to grade off the digital image (which is much easier to do with you because you paste the picture into the blog -- thank you for that) because i know our printer does such a disservice.

mrs. banks villalobos said...

and lastly, what does your blog title mean?

Zephyr Ananda J said...

Haha I was wondering when you were going to ask about that! Colin and I became friends at the Old Settlers Festival last April, and I was there because my brother's band was playing. And the best friend of the bass player came with us, and she was this psycho, extremely preppy Westlake girl who said things like, "omg, i'm totes with you girl" and "that's totes lamesauce" and so colin and I started saying that to make fun of her. She's psycho because she asked this guy to the prom 10 times and every time he said no, and then she told him she hoped his dog died...haha.

mrs. banks villalobos said...

wow, she sounds like an snl character.

and now i just realized for the first time that your blog address says "zephyr wishes she were asian." what's the story behind that? i used to wish i was japanese when i was very young, but my infatuation with the japanese culture passed by junior high.

Zephyr Ananda J said...

hahahaha i just laughed out loud and will and lola made fun of me...i just believe that asians are the best people ever. for example: harajuku girls rule. also, asian food is my favorite. also, asian boy bands, needless to say they are the bomb. :] so that sums it up. I don't watch or draw anime, except for Hayao Miyazaki films, but i would like to speak japanese some day. I can already count and say some stuff. thats it for my asian infatuation :]