Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bollywood Vector Art

I'm really glad that I chose Vector Art as my last Photoshop project, partly because it was really fun and challenging, but also because it took a lot of time and I got to spend more time in Digital Graphics class :]. I chose this project because it seemed really interesting, and vector art is a very good skill to know for a digital artist, which is definitely a career (or at least a hobby) that interests me. One thing I discovered during this project was the Free form Pen tool, which I found helpful for creating shapes quickly; however it was more of hindrance when I needed to change the shapes, because the anchor points it created moved the outline inversely, so I could never get quite the right shape. Another tool I used quite often, besides the pen tool, was the gradient tool. It was fun to play around with merging different layers and changing the transparencies to make the shapes look closer to the original picture, and I think I was successful! The part that was most challenging for me was the hair, because it has so many different tones and shapes in it, and the roots are darker and the ends lighter than most of the hair. It was difficult to make it look like one cohesive part of her body. I'm not sure if I'm completely satisfied with the end product of the hair, but I'm pretty sure it's the best that I could have made it. I'm really proud of how the head turned out, especially the eyes and the earring. I think that those turned out really well, I captured the different colors in the eyes perfectly, if I may say so m'self! And the earrings look very realistic, and really pretty. I'm very proud of this project, it's definitely the most pride I've felt for a Photoshop project out of all of them!


mrs. banks villalobos said...

this is a masterpiece. i'm so glad you did this assignment because you did it so well. (and yay! you got to hang out in here a little longer!) i think you would make an excellent graphic artist to whatever extent you choose to do it (in fact, you already are a graphic artist!) i had never used the freeform pen tool to create shapes, but i just tried it, and it's pretty sweet. i'll have to pass that along to other students.

that hair does look overwhelming, but you did a good job of suggesting it. and luckily the focus is her face, which you've done a lovely job with.

that pride is certainly merited. this really is an accomplishment... and the perfect culmination to your Photoshop journey! (that was pretty cheesy) but well, well done.

you rock.

Zephyr Ananda J said...

haha the PERFECT, most exquisite, wonderful, amazing, excellent, adept, impeccable, splendid, sublime, supreme, superb, unequaled culmination to my Photoshop journey.

i think i win in our battle of over-the-topness :]

mrs. banks villalobos said...

alright, alright. you win.

Zephyr Ananda J said...

HA! success :]

ps. i found out (by asking her) that is was NOT kendall who made out with joseph gordon-levitt...i wanted to know haha. then i spent a while trying to remind her of who he was to no avail. alas!