Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I'm not gonna say that this single project has left me with equal proficiency in Flash as I have in Photoshop...

That's it.

No, but it was fun, I would be able to make a website again without Mrs. Banks' assistance, I think. My favorite part of creating the website was being able to alter the images when the mouse goes over them, and I really like the way the page turned out! I'm very sad that this marks the end of my Photoshop journey, This has been my favorite class at Garza, and my school days will be that much longer without it. There were so many exciting projects I was able to do in this class, some of my favorites were the Vector Art, Pop Art, and the Melting projects. I wasn't really a fan of the final "Butterfly in Paints" image, but other than that I'm immensely proud of what I accomplished here.

I learned a lot in Digital Graphics, and I'm so glad that I got to learn it from Mrs. Banks because she's one of my favorite teachers. Ever.


mrs. banks villalobos said...

aw, thanks, zephyr. you've been an wicked-cool student to have, and i've enjoyed getting to know you. and seeing your pretty pictures!

if i remember correctly, you said you were not looking forward to taking a tech class back in the day. that makes me chuckle because you ended up being so talented with it. :-)

please do find time to sneak back in here. ;-)

mrs. banks villalobos said...

oh, and here's the quick link to your website:


mrs. banks villalobos said...

oh, and super-cute picture.

Zephyr Ananda J said...

thank you, ditto, haha i remember too, i will, thank you, and thank you!