Thursday, October 9, 2008

Grenouille de Chocolat

This project was very cute, but it was my least favorite so far. In the tutorial, the frog was adorable, and making the drips was fun, allowing me to release all my obsessive compulsive tendencies into creating perfect highlights! However, it was extremely difficult to find or create an image to do for my own something-covered project. I knew I didn't want to make something covered in chocolate, that would be too close to copying the tutorial for me, plus I prefer to use more color in my pictures, and paint was a perfect way to do that. I chose a butterfly because I wanted something that I could picture getting into trouble around a bunch of paints, and a carefree butterfly flitting around seemed perfect. I was not satisfied with my finished project, it wasn't realistic enough for me, although it was cute. I had fun trying different brush tips etc. to create the splatters. One thing that was extremely successful with this project was that I became very familiar and comfortable with with the brushes palette, which I'm sure will be extremely helpful in the future! All in all, regardless of whether or not I enjoyed the subject matter, this tutorial and project were very helpful, and learning all of the new skills was fun!


mrs. banks villalobos said...

tu parles francais! there was a time when i could actually kind of speak french. i once got to play edith piaf in a play, and that was wonderful. but you really do lose it when you don't, ehem, "use it."

but on to the project: i like this project a lot, but for some reason the butterfly looks like it's gotten into some pastels instead of paint. i think it might be because the drips are hard to see beneath its wings because they blend into the can of paint under it. i think it would also be nice to have had a slightly bigger butterfly, simply because of the size of that paint brush nearby. you know what else might have looked cool? a few long drizzles of paint across its wings. maybe, maybe not.

i'm glad to hear you got some practice with the brushes palette. i think i could stand to play with that a little more. there certainly are a lot of options to play with.

i think the concept behind this piece is great, though. no one else has tried paint, so i'm glad you did (too bad there weren't more good photos to choose from, although i think the one you ended up with is great.)

Zephyr Ananda J said...

I'm not really that great at french, but I hope to be fluent in it and 6 other languages someday!!

Zephyr Ananda J said...

also that's really cool about the play, i didn't know you did theatre!

mrs. banks villalobos said...

stick with the languages. i used to want to speak french, spanish, italian, and portuguese, but it's really hard to become fluent. i kind of gave up and let it never happen. but you should stick to it and go live in the countries at some point. i think that's the key.. at least that's what people say...

yes, actually brian and i met while doing a play here in austin. my parents produce dinner theater in dallas, and my dad was a professional actor when i was little (just regional stuff), so they had me and my brothers in plays as children. i absolutely loved theater and choir in high school. i wanted to go to the actor's studio, but it was too much money. what i'd really like now is to be in a musical here in town someday, but i don't keep up on auditions very well.