Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I was eager to do this project because I want to be a tattoo artist someday, or at least have a lot of them, and it was a little bit like living vicariously through Photoshop! I was able to use the picture of the first tattoo I am going to get, which I’ll be getting on or shortly after my 18th birthday in October, and that was cool to be able to visualize it. I didn’t make it the way it will look on me, I made it bigger and added color, but that was my favorite part: I could experiment with things like color without tattooing them on my skin and then regretting it. The most difficult part was making the tattoos look realistic on the skin, and I’m not sure I succeeded. Adding the noise filter helped a little bit, as well as layering the opacity, but the colors still looked a little too bright on the skin. I really liked the liquefy filter as well, but it became difficult when you had to move certain parts of the tattoo and it would alter other parts and warp the overall shape of the tattoo. I’m less satisfied with the finished product on this project than on my Pop Art, but I was equally happy with the lesson and I feel just as comfortable with the new skills, I’m sure they’ll be helpful in the next one.

1 comment:

mrs. banks villalobos said...

i think you did succeed. the green on the arm might be a little vivid, but on the whole, i would absolutely believe these are real.

i enjoy reading your well-written reflections. you have a good written "voice" and an excellent grasp of punctuation. (that's a weird compliment.. "you have an excellent grasp of punctuation.")

by the way, thank you for pasting the image into the blog. great idea. i think i'll have the other students do that from now on.

i'm looking forward to the butterfly.